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CSO Look Around

  • Washington Park 1230 Elm Street Cincinnati, OH, 45202 United States (map)

The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, along with thirty local groups including choirs, instrumental ensembles and dancers, gather together in musical meditation and a celebratory parade. This enveloping musical experience is free for the community and extends from Ziegler Park through Over-the-Rhine, and culminates in Washington Park for a full orchestral experience. Performing music co-created with composer Shara Nova and with direction by Mark DeChiazza, artists and audience become one as they move throughout the neighborhood, inviting friends and neighbors to join in, simply listen, or...look around.


The title of the work is taken from Siri Imani’s poem “Lost Generation” which begins with the words, “I need you to care not about yourself or obtaining your wealth / I need you to look around”. Text for the music will be derived from interviews Nova will conduct with local community members focusing on identity, emphasizing our cultural diversity and reflecting on what it means to have a sense of home.