Urgent Mutual Aid Need For Relatives in Lil'wat!


In 2019 we had the honor of hosting Jackie Andrew (also known as Huckleberry Eyes) during the week of World Peace and Prayer Day. She is a traditional Bear Dancer and Spokeswoman of Lil’wat Nation located in Interior Salish, BC. Over the years she has continued to be a dear friend and supporter of our Coalition and now her community needs our help!

Lil’wat Nation is on fire. For many years of the First Nations people of Interior Salish have prescribed cultural controlled burns for fire management. The government has disregarded this and has created the current catastrophe. There are currently 270 fires burning across British Columbia and hundreds have been evacuated from their homes. Find out more by clicking here.


You can help support Jackie as she fights alongside her community to protect their home. Her paypal is lilwatlady@gmail.com

Please continue to watch this page as we will update it as the situation develops.

Here are some photos that have been shared with us by Jackie.

If you would like to share this image, please do!
